It is interesting how you may know precisely what instructor you want to try out on Peloton and still not get them. Reason? You don’t actually know their Leaderboard username. And while you may get around this by a regular full name search, it would be easier to use their username. After all, their formal names may have more than one Peloton user.

I have a list of the best Peloton instructors; well, all instructors on Peloton are the best. That is why the list includes all their usernames, according to the workout that each instructor trains;
Peloton Instructor Leaderboard Names?
Let’s get onto the Peloton instructor usernames and the workouts that they train;
Instructor | Leaderboard Name | Workouts |
Aditi Shah | diti22 | Yoga |
Adrian Williams | AdrianWNYC | Tread |
Anna Greenberg | agreenberg | Yoga |
Alex Toussaint | MrToussaint25 | Bike |
Ally Love | AllyMissLove | Bike |
Andy Speer | AndySpeer23 | Tread |
Becs Gentry | BecsGentry | Tread |
Ben Alldis | BenAlldis | Bike |
Bradley Rose | bradley_rose | Bike |
Callie Gullickson | ItscallieG | Bodyweight and strength |
Chase Tucker | chasetucker | Tread |
Chelsea Jackson Roberts | CJRLovesYoga | Yoga |
Cliff Dwenger | Clifforddwenger | Bike |
Christine D’Ercole | IAMICANIWILLIDO | Bike |
Cody Rigsby | codyrigsby | Bike |
Denis Morton | Denis__Morton | Yoga and bike |
Olivia Amato | olivia_amato | Bike and tread |
Emma | Lovewell | Bike |
Erik Jäger | ErikJäger | Bike |
Hannah Frankson | HannahFrankson | Bike |
Hannah Marie Corbin | HannahCorbin | Bike |
Jess Sims | jesssims | Tread |
Jenn Sherman | JennSherman | Bike |
Jess King | jesskingnyc | Bike and tread |
Kirra Michel | Yoga | |
Nico Sarani | Yoga | |
Kendall Toole | fitxkendall | Bike |
Mayla Wedekind | Mayla_Wedekind | Bike |
Kristin McGee | krimcgee | Yoga |
Leanne Hainsby | LeanneHainesbyUK | Bike |
Marcel Maurer | Strength | |
Mariana Fernandez | Yoga | |
Matt Wilpers | MWilpers | Bike and tread |
Matty Maggiacomo | mattymaggiacomo | Tread |
Rad Lopez | radlopez | Strength and weight |
Rebecca Kennedy | RKSolid | Tread |
Robin Arzon | RobinArzon | Bike and tread |
Ross Rayburn | Yogaross | Yoga |
Sam Yo | SuperYOda | Bike |
Selena Samuela | selenasamuela | Tread |
Christian Vande Velde | ChristianVV | Bike |
Tunde Oyenin | tune2tunde | Bike |
Peloton instructors are renowned in their athletic and gym fields as some of the best. If you use a Peloton tread, a bike, or even the Peloton digital app, you have the opportunity to interact with them.
Actually, the best way to know the instructor that brings out the best in you is by attending classes with them all. If you have a bike, ensure that you have a session with all the bike coaches before settling for one. It will surprise you how much each is in their way.
There are trainers involved in more than one workout. You can join your favorite instructor in one of their other classes. Who knows, they might be your key to getting to venture in another workout.
Peloton instructors vary in encouragement, music, and workout. Some are intense and strict, building discipline in workouts. Others are friendly and really encouraging, ensuring that you develop a passion for the workout. Look at our list of Peloton instructors depending on what they are best at, and add to your thrilling experience with Peloton.
Parting Shot
Peloton instructor Leaderboard names ensure that you have an easy time looking for classes. Better still, ensure that you easily track how you rate on the Leaderboard compared to your trainer.
Read Also:
- Celebrity Peloton Usernames on the Leaderboard
- 100 Peloton Username Ideas: (Funny, Clever, Cool, Creative)
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