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Peloton Bike Setup for Beginners: Adjusting Your Bike with Simple Way

You know the excitement of waiting for a new set of equipment? What more when you finally made it to owning a peloton bike? However, the excitement is coupled with a little anxiety; you want your first peloton setup to be perfect.

And for that exact reason, we want to purify your excitement, so that you don’t have to stop and drop your face in the midst of these good news. So, sit upright for a peloton bike setup guide.

Want to Learn Peloton Bike Setup?

Peloton bike setup involves how you handle the bike after delivery to how you make it comfortable for your rides.

Let’s get things under way on the entire setup process;

Moving the Peloton Bike

Now that the bike has been delivered, you need to move it to the room you prepared as you awaited its arrival. Nevertheless, you will need an extra hand. If living alone, you can get your friend or neighbor to help with the moving.

The bike has transport wheels, which make it easy to move from one place to the other. Just forgot: if you are going to move the bike through stairs and corners, you should first dismount the screen.

Back to the moving process; tilt the bike forward and get hold of the rear stabilizer. On the other hand, let your friend hold the bike by the handlebars. Gently move the bike to its workout area.

Remember that the location you place the bike should be even. This will facilitate in ensuring that the bike is stable.

Then, the levelling feet of the bike are adjustable. Unscrew to loosen them if the bike is shaking. Ensure the bike is finally steady and in a rigid position.

Related: How To Move A Peloton Bike | The Ultimate Guide

Adjust the Seat and Handlebars

Good news the peloton bike has adjustments for both the height and the depth of the bike saddle. So, we will ensure that both are working in your favor. Let’s start with the seat height of the bike;

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You will regulate the seat height using the seat height L-handle, located just above the V-shape of the bike towards the seat. Turn it anticlockwise so that you can loosen the seat. Want to know the recommended seat height? It should align to your hip bone, hence perfect for a start.

After the seat height, let’s adjust the seat depth. It should be parallel to the handlebars’ height.

Therefore, if the seat height does not align directly to the handlebars, adjust the handlebars height. A simple way to be sure is by sitting on the bike seat, then getting your hands on the handlebars. They should only be slightly bent.

Get off the bike and readjust the seat depth at this point.

Related: How to Adjust the Peloton Bike Seat

Re-attach the Touch Screen.

At this point, you can put back the touchscreen if you already removed it. In most cases anyway, the screen will come detached to ease the movement process for you.

The touchscreen has a back panel, which you will remove first. Then, align the screen to its mount. Use a screw driver to screw it in securely, then you can put back the back panel. Finally, you can plug in the power cable.

Tighten all the Knobs and Bolts

Check carefully to ensure that all the bolts, nuts and knobs are tight enough. If not, the bike comes with an Allen wrench; use it to tighten them.

Peloton Spinning Gear

By now you must know that you need either Look Delta shoes? okay, have your shoes cleated before getting on the bike. Check out our well-elaborated guide on how to diligently install peloton cleats on the shoes.

With the shoes cleated in the right way and with you in them, hop onto your bike. Let your toes face downwards, aiming for the pedals.

Touch the center of the pedal with the ball of your feet, and you will hear a creaking sound, indicating a successful clip-in.

Clipping out is even simpler than you anticipate. Just by a heel kick away from the pedals and you are through.

But then you may wish to use peloton toe cages? These will help you spin on peloton without the necessity of being in cycling shoes. peloton provides for peloton toe cages, which you will attach to your pedals. With your clipped pedals, you can even ride in your basketball shoes. And any adult in your household will be welcome to spin.

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If you are using toe cages, just climb onto your bike in regular non-cycling shoes. Put the forefront of your shoe into the cages, and the straps will secure you in. now you can spin safely without the peloton cycling shoes.

There’s still more. Read on!

Power on the Bike

Plug in the power cable to the back of the screen. Then, connect it to the power jack at the back of the bike. From here, plug in the power supply to the wall. The power supply will light green, an indication that it is being powered.

At the top back of the screen is a power button. Press it and hold for a second to power it on.

Connect to Wireless Connection

Everything on peloton being online, you will need to connect it to a wireless connection. Both Wi-Fi and Ethernet will be suitable.

If using ethernet, connect the internet cable to the screen. Its specific port is available.

When using Wi-Fi, you only have to select your specific Wi-Fi, then enter the security password.

You are now free to venture into peloton.

Logging into Peloton

As of now, you are ready to start a class on peloton. The most attractive part of a peloton is the ability to access a wide spectrum of archived and live classes. Even people without a peloton bike want an opportunity to venture into these classes, which they fortunately currently do.

But you can guess that you still have an advantage with the bike, since you get the archived classes for free while the others have to cough over $12 monthly for them.

Anyway, to access peloton, you need to first log in. Using the email that you used when getting the bike, sign in to the peloton account. Alternatively, use the start key that you will get on your screen.

Add other information, such as the name you want to use on the leaderboard. Then you can explore the thousands of classes that peloton has in store for its users.


With peloton, you can get a premium subscription at $39 per month. Go to my account, and select the payment method. Enter your card number and confirm the payment.

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Congratulations! You will now officially get the optimal benefits from peloton. You will get the live class you want, music from either Sportify or Apple Store and an instructor of your choice. As if that’s not enough, your metrics will reflect on the touchscreen, and you will compete on the leaderboard. You will be exposed to a community of like riders for motivation and fun.

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People Often Ask;

Does Peloton Bike Come Assembled?

Yes, it is completely assembled by the time it gets to you. All you have to do is adjust the seat and handlebars as per your convenience.

Sometimes, though, the screen may be detached to protect it from the harshness of moving the bike. Nevertheless, the installation is a walk in the park as explained above.

Bottom Line?

You are now ready to ride on your peloton. This peloton bike setup guide gives an elaborate process, which, when followed, will leave you contented. Ensure that you check the Peloton 101, a guide on the touchscreen. It will take you through any clarity you may want regarding the bike or rides. And, of course, be on the look out for our other informative guides regarding all you need to know about the peloton bike and the spinning world.

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