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What is a Good Peloton Output? Ultimate Guide

The Average power output (measured in watts) is one of the most important metrics on a peloton bike because it’s an indicator of your workout progress. If you are a beginner, you will obviously portray output that is less than that of an experienced peloton cyclist. Also, age and gender differences bring a difference in the peloton output results.

Nevertheless, we will see what a good output should be for you, depending on your power zone.

What Does it Mean by Peloton Output?

As a whole, Peloton Output is an important metrics that shows energy or power you will apply in a complete class session. It depends on individual rider’s cadence (number of cycles per minute; CPM), resistance (difficulty level he/she set), and is measured in watts.

What is a Good Peloton Output?

In general, 150 – 250 watts is the average peloton output. A good peloton output is, basically, dependent on the individual spinner and several factors like the type of class you take, FTP (functional threshold power), your fitness level, age, body mass and gender.

According to The Athletics and Fitness Association of America, “A beginner cyclist may average around 75–100 watts in a 1-hour workout. A well fit cyclist will average more than 100 watts, and pro cyclists can reach 400 watts per hour.”

How Peloton Power Output (Watts) is Calculated?

A dynamometer is a build-in feature in a peloton bike which measure torque on a drivetrain and record your actual power outputs. Peloton output stems from your cadence and resistance to start with. Cadence is calculated from the rotations that your flywheel makes per minute. On the other hand, resistance refers to the difficulty that you set during cycling, using the red colored resistance knob on the bike.

So, the total outputs is calculated by taking the average output times the number of seconds in the ride divided by 1,000. For instance, if you average 100 Watts in a 1800 second ride (30 minutes), your total output will be 180 KJ

If you are in a power zone, cadence will be set for you, while you increase your chances of topping on the Leaderboard by increasing your resistance.

Related:   Peloton Strive Scores; All the Things You Need to Know

Watts are used to measure peloton output, which you can increase by increasing your cadence and resistance, or simply either, at least for a start. But remember that resistance increases your output more than the cadence, so try to improve on it regardless of how difficult it may be.

Read also: Best Peloton Classes for Weight Loss

Peloton Output Table

Peloton output table is so important to measure your workout progress. From my personal experience, peloton community and I researched reddit thread to find out a output table, and I finally found it.

ResistanceCadence 80Cadence 100
30Expected Output 58-62Expected Output 88-92
35Expected Output 83-85Expected Output 120-125
40Expected Output 111-115Expected Output 160-165
45Expected Output 143-146Expected Output 215-220
50Expected Output 186-190Expected Output 260-265
Peloton Output Table

Peloton Output Chart by Age

Individual age plays a vital role on peloton output because of physical strength, for example, a 30 year old individual has better power output than a 70 year old individual. But another thought is, now a days news generation people pass their leisure time with video games, movies rather concentrate on physical activity; if you consider this, a 50 year old individual has better power output than a 30 year old individuals. Below the peloton output chart by age is represent a generous situation of individuals considering youngers have more physical strength. According to reports, almost 65% of Americans use peloton ages between 25 to 45 year old.

Age Group of IndividualsShare the output % (Approx.)
Table: Peloton Output Chart by Age

Peloton Output Chart by Weight

Actually, the peloton output is not based on individual weight. Power output is a measurement of the amount of energy involved during training and is determined by cadence and resistance. People with a higher body weight can produce higher peloton output in a short period of time; that means, a 70lbs individual has a maximum power output record but his/her average power output can be much lower because of his/her fitness.

Weight in Lbs160w190w220w250w280w
Table: Peloton power-weight ratio in watts/lbs

How to Increase Output on Peloton?

There are few easy things you need to work on to increase your output on peloton. Those are

What Factors are Affecting on Peloton Output?

Like we mentioned earlier, peloton output will depend on several personal factors, such as experience on the peloton and like workouts intensities, age, gender and flexibility.

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Let’s dive into some of the factors determining peloton output, and the average output expected:

Workouts Intensity

Workout intensity plays a vital role in peloton outputs as higher intensity workouts have more power outputs. For example: FTP test ride, HIIL ride etc produce more outputs than any other low impact rides.

Fitness Level

Fitness level one of the most important factor affecting peloton outputs. If you have good physic and good physical health; you can produce good peloton outputs.

Power Zones

In peloton, there are seven levels of exertion, usually referred to as the power zones. To join a power zone, you have to undertake a 20-minute test, which will track your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). This will help know the power zone you should join, based on your average results.

Your cadence will then be fixed, so that you have to reach the specific cadence output within the 45-minute peloton ride. Since every person in your power zone will have to get to this cadence level, then your chances of being an outstanding member will be to increase the resistance.

Whether a beginner or a pro, you will always get power zones enhancing your performance. So, what are the 7 power zones in peloton?

  • Zone 1 (Active Recovery): requires FTP of 55% or less. Described as the easiest, and great for people recovering from injury and senior riders.
  • Zone 2 (Endurance): calls for FTP level of between 55 and 75%. Quite easy, even the beginners can manage.
  • Zone 3 (Tempo):  75 to 90% FTP required and for the moderate riders’ challenge.
  • Zone 4 (Lactate threshold): Challenging power zone, and at this point you must be accustomed to peloton and improving impressively.
  • Zone 5 (VO2max): 105 to 120% FTP necessary, and workout described as hard. At this point, you must be heading towards expert level in peloton workouts.
  • Zone 6 (Anaerobic capacity): 120 to 150% FTP necessary to be in this power zone. The workouts are very hard at this point, and to be in this level, your Leaderboard position won’t even matter as much as the fact that you are already capable of achieving the target.
  • Zone 7 (Neuromuscular power): 150%+ FTP needed, and at this point, you are now the master of peloton!


While age plays a major role in determining peloton output, it actually varies. You may get a 70-year-old performing better than a 40-year-old, simply because they have been athletic all their lives, unlike the latter.


Actually, gender is a fact that affects power outputs. Generally, males have more physical strength than a female.


The watts you produce versus your weight is also a large determinant on how you score on the peloton. Heavier individuals generate more power rather than thin individual. Here, 5.1 watts against your number of kilograms is considered a high score, while 2 could be the result of a newbie in peloton.

Related:   10 Best Peloton Classes for Beginners

Total Output vs Average Output on Peloton

As a whole, The total outputs represents the energy in KJ that are produced throughout the whole session. On other hand, average outputs represents the energy in watts that are produced per second or current time. The total outputs is always higher than the average outputs in a longer duration rides and you may have same average outputs in a 30 min & a 60 min ride but the total outputs you find a big difference.

What is a good peloton output for 20 minutes

In general, Depending on the type and intensity of class you take, the good peloton average output for 20 minutes is between 200 to 250 watts. More intense classes produce more outputs, such as HIIls & HIIT and Power Zone Max ride, require more resistance and cadence, thus you’ll get more outputs. A good peloton total output for a 20-minute ride will be between 200 to 340 kJ.

What is a good peloton output for 30 minutes

In general, Depending on the type and intensity of class you take, the good peloton average output for 30 minutes is between 180 to 250 watts. A good peloton total output for a 30-minute ride will be between 300 to 480 kJ.

What is a good peloton output for 45 minutes

In general, Depending on the type and intensity of class you take, the good peloton average output for 45 minutes is between 150 to 220 watts. On the other hand, A good peloton total output for a 45-minute ride will be between 400 to 650 kJ. From my experience, A 45 minutes climb rides, interval rides, power zone rides can produce higher total outputs.

What is a good peloton output for 60 minutes

In general, Depending on the type and intensity of class you take, the good peloton average output for 60 minutes is between 150 to 250 watts. On the other hand, A good peloton total output for a 60-minute ride will be between 450 to 700 kJ.

Peloton output not working? Here’s the Solution

Two things you would try to fix it, 1) make sure the firm connection between the monitor cable and the touchscreen 2) power down the bike and restart it again. If neither of those two does, chat with Peloton support

In a Nutshell

To get a good peloton workout output for you, take all the factors lined above. Only then can you determine the best peloton output for you.

An encouragement though, getting in a power zone will boost your workout output by far. This is because you try to achieve the best for your level, and you learn to increase your resistance levels too. So, what is a good peloton workout output? You will determine that, all the factors held constant, right?