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Peloton Ftp Test: Everything You Need to Know

FTP test Peloton allows you to spin within your limits yet push yourself to the maximum you can. In simpler terms, you can customize your Peloton workouts as an individual.

Essentially, the FTP test stands for Functional Threshold Power. It is the highest riding position that a Peloton rider can be in for a whole hour. Let’s get into this and much more interesting facts on FTP tests that Peloton offers;

What is FTP Test on Peloton?

The FTP test is a Peloton riding workout that is only 20 minutes long. However, the workout should give you a rough estimate of your highest workout power in a class that is 60-minutes long.

ftp warm up ride
peloton ftp test ride

How to Take the FTP Test on Peloton?

Fundamentally, it would help if you took a 20-minute workout, which is short enough to test your highest power. Wait! Before you take the 20-minute class, you can try out a power zone warm-up ride.

Where do you get the warm-up class? Go to the class filter, and search for ‘Power Zone’ among the class options. Here, you will get a ‘10-minute FTP Warm-Up Ride’, which you will click. Ride the class and see how far you can ride consistently. Not bad, right?

Now you can confidently go for the 20-minute FTP test ride. It is also in the ‘Power Zone’ option, and you will easily get it after completing the warm-up.

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Once you are done with this test ride, your mean output will display on the screen at the ride recap option. Do you like what you see? If not, just use these for now, and you can adjust the output soon. But for now, let’s get working with the FTP test and see what we get out of it;

FTP test Peloton 1

Why Do I Need Peloton FTP Test?

The FTP test basically puts you in your personal Power Zones. Therefore, it will be easier for Peloton to place you in your customized Power Zones using your FTP test output when taking the power zone classes.

Once you get your output, you should multiply it by 95% to get your exact output power level. Alternatively, you can use the formula provided by Peloton; multiply your output by 5%, then subtract the answer from the output.

The final answer is the output that you will use to calculate your power zones.

Peloton Power Zones

Peloton has 7 power zones, and they are different for each user. As mentioned, each rider uses their FTP test results, which are different, by the way, to get their power zones.

The power zones vary in power intensity, with zone 1 having the lowest power and zone 7 having the highest. So, here is a simplified formula for calculating your expected output for each zone;

  • Zone 1 (very easy): Multiply your FTP test output by 55% to get the expected zone 1 output ( here, the workout intensity is low, and you are actually at an active recovery pace).
  • Zone 2 (moderate): Multiply FTP test output by 56-75% (here, you ride in the outdoor long-ride pace and can even converse with a friend effectively).
  • Zone 3 (sustainable): Multiply the FTP test output by 76 to 90% (the conversion becomes difficult at this point, but the ride is quite sustainable).
  • Zone 4 (Challenging): Multiply FTP test output by 91 to 105% (You can still sustain the ride, but only for a maximum of an hour)
  • Zone 5 (Hard): Multiply the FTP output by 106 to 120% (at this point, you are trying to get beyond your limits. However, you can still sustain a continuous ride for 10-15 minutes)
  • Zone 6 (Very Hard): Multiply the FTP output by 121 to 150%. (at this point, you can sustain the workout for 30 seconds, within 3 to 5 minutes for the whole workout).
  • Zone 7: (Max Effort): Multiply the FTP test output by 151% +. (if you get to zone 7, you will have managed the power zone challenge. However, at this point, you can only sustain the power zone for a few seconds)
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The first time you manage all the power zones is usually the toughest. Nevertheless, it also changes your perspective, and over time you want to repeat the workouts over and over again. Finally, even the 7th power zone becomes easily achievable.

Actually, you may even want to up your game. In this case, you just have to repeat the FTP test. Naturally, your output is bound to be higher, given your achieved resistance. However, remember that your new FTP test results will increase the toughness of the resistance zones.

Do Peloton Power Zones Have Specific Instructors?

Yes, they do. While all Peloton instructors seem quite hard, only a few are committed to training the power zone workouts. They include the following;

Are you saying that you should have guessed? Well, true, the toughest of the toughest are in the power zones, and you can as well use them for your muscle toning target goals.

How to Get Your FTP Output for Power Zone Workouts

Output peloton

Actually, you don’t have to start your Power Zone workouts as soon as you get your FTP test output. After all, even the FTP test is tough in itself, so you would need time to rejuvenate. So, how do you get your FTP results for a later class in Power Zones?

Immediately you are through with the FTP test, put your output results in the profile settings. Once done, Peloton will calculate your power zones and display them for you during all your rides. It lights different colors depending on the power zone you hit, even when not doing Power Zone workouts.

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Final Thoughts

FTP test Peloton gives you another riding level, where you compete against yourself. In addition, it gives you access to Peloton power zones, which are customized for every individual.

Since the power zones show you what you are actually capable of, they are easier to achieve. Better still, they are the best for encouraging workout goals.

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