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How to Change Peloton Username?

Can you change your peloton username? Yes, you can change your Peloton username at will and as many times as you possibly want. Changing your Peloton username will not affect your peloton records or leaderboard progress. However, you may lose your fans who already got used to a former username, especially if you are quite conspicuous on the Leaderboard.

Anyway, a change of username once in a while is always worth it. It brings a good feeling, and you may actually do it for a new beginning, probably in your rides or runs. So, let’s see how you can actualize the process;

How to Change Peloton Username?

When changing your username, ensure that you are already logged in on your bike or tread equipment. Then,

While on the home screen, click on your profile at the right upper corner. Among the range of options you get, select ‘My Account and click on it.

Here, you will get an option to edit your profile information. Among the information is your username, so click on it. Then, edit your username to your preferred username. While you have permission to use a username of your choice, it should not exceed fifteen characters. Also, try using alphanumeric characters, which are easy even for other users and instructors.

What are the Conditions to Changing Peloton Username?

We all agree that it is your username, hence your choice. However, when changing your username, ensure that;

  • You only use alphanumeric characters, that is, alphabets, both uppercase and lowercase, that is, A to Z, Arabic numbers, that is, 0 to 9, and common characters such as # and @. 
  • Your username should have a maximum of 15 characters in total.
  • The new username should not resemble any other username on Peloton for user uniqueness.
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If you really want to change your username on Peloton but have no idea which one to pick on, you can seek help. 

Peloton has a search engine for usernames. You will be surprised at the range of attractive options that Peloton has for you.

In any case, most of us have no time to think about what is really cute and still get to think about the passwords. If there is a way out of it, we will definitely go for it.

The best part about the Peloton username search engine is that it will come up with a unique combination. You must have realized that most combinations are already in use. Rather than struggle with which names are not already used, why not use the free search?

Do you think you can use some help with peloton username changing? Use Peloton Name Generator, as it is called. It gets a proper name using your name or nickname, hobbies, things you like, meaningful words to you, and numbers. Check it here for the Peloton username generator:

Read Also: 100 Peloton Username Ideas: (Funny, Clever, Cool, Creative)

Why is Peloton Username Important?

Interestingly, the username you pick for Peloton is used as your Peloton username for logging into the account. More than that, it is the name that other people on Peloton will know you by; on Peloton social platforms as well as on the Leaderboard.

It is advisable to choose a name that is simple to pronounce, not just for you but also for other users and instructors. Imagine if an instructor wants to congratulate you, but your username is ZXMNOYES1. They might as well skip it for a more straightforward option.

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I have found Peloton usernames freedom as another tool to be in a completely different world. If you are a celebrity and want to interact in a community that won’t bring in all that ‘adoration’ to class, you can use a name that no one will suspect. This actually happens all the time, so you are welcome to a world where you can actually be who you really want to be away from the real world.

Bottom Line

Can I change my Peloton username? Yes, you can. Peloton grants you the right to decide and change your username at will. So, you don’t have to stick with that username you chose when starting out and finally don’t really like it. Or, you probably want some privacy on the Peloton for a particular duration before a comeback? The floor is yours!

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