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All About Peloton X Beyonce

Peloton has had an Artist Series that features specific artists for approximately two years now. Luckily, our role model and favorite artist Queen Bey happens to be one of them. But, more interestingly, Beyonce and Peloton formed a partnership, which they both believe will be beneficial to Peloton users and others in the world of indoor fitness. And true to their word, the partnership really worked with Peloton fans and others alike.

Good for you; it doesn’t matter your favorite Peloton class category. The classes are featured in strength, yoga, cycling, Bootcamps, outdoor, stretching, barre and treadmill classes.

So, ready for more details? Let’s dig in!

Peloton X Beyonce
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The Peloton Beyonce Week

When Peloton first started on the Artist Series in 2020, Beyonce was among the artists featured. Then, even before the excitement died down, she came back in 2021 as a partner with Peloton. And this is also the time that we got three days of non-stop experience with Beyonce music in all Peloton classes. 

Beyonce Week was in November, between the 9th and 14th. Even better, I have a breakdown of the classes as they were scheduled, among others;

  1. Beyonce two-for-one ride with Alex and Tunde: Monday 9/11/2021 (Encore class)
  2. Beyonce Yoga Flow with Chelsea: Wednesday 11/11/2021 (live and encore)
  3. Beyonce meditation with Chelsea: Wednesday 11/11/2021 (on-demand)
  4. Beyonce outdoor run with Robin: Thursday 12/11/2021 (on-demand)
  5. Beyonce full-body strength with Robin: Thursday 12/11/2021 (live and encore)
  6. Beyonce ride with Ally: Friday 13/11/2021 (live and encore)
  7. Beyonce Bootcamp with Jess: Saturday 14/11/2021 (live class)
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It may be late for an on-demand Beyonce live class, but the good news is that they are all on the on-demand list. Therefore, you can relive the thrill in the multiple classes available.

Special Features In the Peloton Beyonce Artist Series

  • Three days of Beyonce music classes
  • An opportunity for two instructors in the same class
  • The classes are in three different languages; Spanish, English, and German, the first of its kind
  • Available in all class categories on Peloton

HBCUs to Gain from the Peloton Beyonce Partnership?

Other than Peloton users, Historically Black Colleges and Universities stood to gain mainly from the Peloton and Beyonce partnership. Bennett College, Grambling State University, Howard University, Clark Atlanta University, Hampton University, Spelman College, Morehouse College and Morehouse School of Medicine, Wilberforce University, and Texas Southern University.

Peloton promised to give free digital app memberships to students in the institutions, which would boost their fitness activities.

Moreover, Peloton stated that it was working towards better relationships with the institutions. Through these collaborations, Peloton would offer bikes to the ten institutions’ fitness departments. Even better, it would offer internships to undergraduates. 


Peloton has Beyonce as one of the Artist Series members and has a partnership with her. Beyonce also admits that she has been a member of Peloton for some years and feels honored to be part of the journey.

So, I believe that taking the Series classes will be more impactful with this info.

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